List Command Linux Ubuntu
1 apt-get install konsole
4 apt-get update
5 apt-get install konsole
6 add-apt-repository ppa:gns3/ppa
8 apt-get install gns3-gui
10 reboot
13 whoami
14 usermod -aG kvm dandi
17 cd /home/dandi/
21 cd winbox_installer-master
23 sh
24 ufw
25 ufw allow 5678/udp
27 apt-get install xdman
28 apt-get install xdm
33 service networking restart
37 power0ff
38 halt
39 mount /dev/sda6 /mnt
40 mount --bind /dev/ mnt/dev
41 chroo /mnt
42 chroot /mnt
43 grub-install /dev/sda
44 update-grub
46 update-grub2
47 add-apt-repository ppa:danielrichter2007/grub-customizer
48 apt-get update
49 apt-get install grub-custemizer
50 apt-get install grub-customizer
51 nano /etc/fstab
52 fdisk -l
53 passwd
55 reboot
56 passwd dandi
57 passwd
58 reboot
60 apt install chrome-gnome-shell
61 apt-cache search user | grep them
62 apt-cache search user | grep theme
63 apt-cache search user | grep gnome
64 apt-cache search user | grep shell
65 apt-get install chrome-gnome-shell
66 apt update
67 apt-get install chrome-gnome-shell
68 apt-cache search gir1.2
69 apt-cache search gir1.2 | grep gtop
70 apt-cache search gir1.2 | grep network
71 apt-cache search gir1.2 | grep clutter
72 apt install gir1.2-gtop-2.0 gir1.2-networkmanager-1.0 gir1.2-clutter-1.0
77 apt-get install net-tools
78 ifconfig
79 nmtui
80 gedit /usr/share/applications/
81 gedit file:///usr/share/applications/
82 gedit file:///usr/share/applications/ktelnetservice5.desktop
83 cd /usr/share/applications/
87 wget -O ~/vmware.bin
88 bash ~/vmware.bin
89 vmware
90 apt install gcc
91 uname -r
92 apt-get update
93 apt-get install git fakeroot build-essential ncurses-dev xz-utils libssl-dev bc
94 tar xf linux-4.7.1.tar.gz
96 cd linux-4.7.1
97 cp /boot/config-$(uname -r) .config
98 make menuconfig
99 apt remove build-essential
100 apt-get install gnome-system-monitor
101 cd /usr/share/applications/system-config-printer.desktop
102 cd /usr/share/applications/
105 gedit gnome-system-monitor.desktop
106 nano gnome-system-monitor.desktop
107 fdisk -l
108 dd of=/dev/sdb if=windows7all.iso
117 wine winbox.exe
119 fdisk
120 fdisk -l
131 cp darwin/ /usr/share/plymouth/themes/
132 cp darwin/ /usr/share/plymouth/themes/ -fR
133 cd /usr/share/plymouth/themes/
135 gedit darwin/darwin.plymouth
136 nano darwin/darwin.plymouth
137 nano default.plymouth
139 cd /usr/share/gnome-shell/theme/
141 cp ubuntu.css ubuntu.bak
146 cd setaswallpaper
148 cd SetAsWallpaper
152 cp ubuntu.css /usr/share/gnome-shell/theme/
153 chmod 777 /usr/share/backgrounds/
161 conky
162 cp /etc/conky/conky.conf ~/.conkyrc
166 nano ~/.conkyrc
167 apt-add-repository -y ppa:teejee2008/ppa
168 apt-get update -y
169 apt-get install conky-manager
170 apt install gdebi
171 gdebi conky-manager*.deb
178 /etc/init.d/networking restart
187 nano /etc/sysctl.conf
188 nano /etc/rc.local
189 chmod +x /etc/rc.local
190 reboot
191 nano /etc/sysctl.conf
192 rm /etc/rc.local
205 VBoxManage modifyhd /home/dandi/VirtualBox\ VMs/Windows7/Windows7.vdi --resize 32000
206 reboot
207 airmon-ng check kill
208 apt-get install aircrack-ng
209 airmon-ng check kill
210 airmon-ng
211 airmon-ng start wlp2s0
212 airmon-ng
213 airmon-ng start wlp2s0mon
214 airodump-ng --ignore-negative-one 10
215 airodump-ng --ignore-negative-one phy0
216 airmon-ng start wlp2s0mon
217 airodump-ng --ignore-negative-one phy0
218 airmon-ng stop
219 apt-get remove aircrack-ng --purge
221 apt-get install aircrack-ng
222 ifconfig
223 airmon-ng start wlp2s0
224 airodump-ng wlp2s0mon
228 airdump -c 1 --bssid 3C:78:43:EC:90:70 -w handshake interface
229 airodump -c 1 --bssid 3C:78:43:EC:90:70 -w handshake interface
230 airodump-ng -c 1 --bssid 3C:78:43:EC:90:70 -w handshake interface
233 apt-get remove aircrack-ng --purge
234 tunctl -t tap0
235 apt-get install uml-utilities
236 tunctl -t tap0
237 ifconfig
238 nmtui
239 sudo ifconfig tap0
240 ifconfig
241 service networking restart
244 tunctl -t tap1
245 tunctl -t tap0:1
246 nano /etc/sysctl.conf
247 nano /etc/rc.local
248 chmod +x /etc/rc.local
249 nano /etc/rc.local
250 ifconfig
251 nano /etc/rc.local
252 service rc.local stop
253 service rc.local start
254 ifconfig
255 service networking restart
256 ifconfig
257 tunctl -t tap1
258 tunctl -t tap0
259 tunctl -t tap1
260 ifconfig
261 ifconfig tap1
263 service networking restart
266 nano /etc/network/interfaces
267 poweroff -
268 poweroff -h
269 ifconfig
270 tunctl -t tap0
271 ifconfig tap0
272 ifconfig tap0
273 ifconfig
275 nano /etc/sysctl.conf
276 nano /etc/rc.local
277 #!/bin/sh -e
278 #
279 # rc.local
280 #
281 # This script is executed at the end of each multiuser runlevel.
282 # Make sure that the script will "exit 0" on success or any other
283 # value on error.
284 #
285 # In order to enable or disable this script just change the execution
286 # bits.
287 #
288 # By default this script does nothing.
289 exit 0
290 nano /etc/rc.local
291 ifconfig
292 nano /etc/rc.local
293 service rc.local restart
294 nano /etc/rc.local
295 nano /etc/default/
296 nano /etc/
297 ping
298 ifconfig
299 tunctl -t tap0
300 tunctl -t tap1
301 tunctl -t tap2
302 ifconfig tap0
303 ifconfig tap1
304 ifconfig tap2
319 nano /etc/rc.local
340 apt-get install shutter
344 apt upgrade
345 poweroff
346 sudo man
358 dpkg -l wine
359 apt-get install wine
360 wget
361 wine ./setup-lightshot.exe
362 ls
363 wine ./setup-lightshot.exe
364 winbox ./setup-lightshot.exe
365 Winbox ./setup-lightshot.exe
366 WinBox ./setup-lightshot.exe
367 ls
368 rm setup-lightshot.exe
369 ls
370 clear
371 ping
372 ping
373 ping
374 ifconfig
375 tunctl -t tap1
376 ifconfig
377 ifconfig tap1
378 ifconfig
379 tunctl -t tap2
380 ifconfig tap2
381 ifconfig
382 apt-get install ocaml
383 apt-get remove ocaml --purge
384 apt-get install libvirt-bin
385 apt-get remove ocaml --purge
386 apt-get remove --auto-remove ocaml
387 apt-get purge --auto-remove ocaml
388 ls -al
389 apt-get install hdparm
390 hdparm -Tt /dev/sda
391 ls
392 ping
393 ifconfig
394 reboot
395 mv Win10_1903_V1_English_x64.iso /media/dandi/
396 cd /media/dandi/
397 ls -al
398 mv Win10_1903_V1_English_x64.iso DATA/
399 apt search virtualbox
400 apt install virtualbox-ext-pack
401 fsdisk
402 fsdisk -l
403 fsdisk /dev/
404 fsdisk /dev/deb
405 fdisk /dev/deb
406 fdisk -l
407 fdisk /dev/sda4
408 fdisk man
409 man fdisk
410 exit
411 reboot
412 ifconfig
413 tunctl -t tap1
414 ifconfig tap1
415 ifconfig
416 reboot
417 systemctl start gdm3
418 systemctl enable gdm3
419 apt install --reinstall gdm3
420 systemctl enable gdm3
421 systemctl enable gdm3.socket
422 systemctl enable gdm3
423 systemctl disable gdm3
424 systemctl enable gdm3
425 apt remove gdm3
426 apt autoremove
427 apt install synaptic
428 apt install gdm3
429 systemctl enable gdm3
430 reboot
431 apt install openssh-server
432 passwd root
433 nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config
434 systemctl start sshd
435 systemctl enable sshd
436 systemctl enabled sshd
437 systemctl enable ssh
438 reboot
439 apt-get install apache2
440 service apache2 status
441 ifconfig
442 cd /var/www/html/
443 ls
444 nano index.html
445 history
446 history | more
447 apt-get remove apache2 --purge
448 cd
449 apt-get remove apache2 --purge
450 cd /var/www/html/
451 ls
452 service apache2 status
sudo apt search msttcore
sudo apt-cache search msttcore
sudo apt-get install ttf-mscorefonts-installer ---> agar font text winbox tidak berantakan
sudo apt install gvncviewer ---> untuk install VNC
sudo chmod +x /usr/bin/dumpcap ---> Memberikan Hak Akses untuk WireShark
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